Watson & Walker and IntelliMagic
Through our partnership with Watson & Walker, Watson & Walker uses IntelliMagic Vision for z/OS with their consulting efforts when helping customers and generating reports.
Through our partnership with Watson & Walker, Watson & Walker uses IntelliMagic Vision for z/OS with their consulting efforts when helping customers and generating reports.
Through our partnership with Watson & Walker, Watson & Walker uses IntelliMagic Vision for z/OS with their consulting efforts when helping customers and generating reports.
“We wouldn’t go anywhere without IntelliMagic Vision,” says Cheryl Watson. “IntelliMagic Vision is powerful, easy to use, and is now a vital part of our toolkit when creating presentations, classes, Tuning Letters, or customer reports.”
Cheryl Watson recently sat down with us to discuss Watson & Walker’s partnership and alliance with IntelliMagic. Listen to that interview below.
This alliance between Watson & Walker and IntelliMagic allows mainframe customers to benefit from IntelliMagic Vision’s built-in intelligence and Watson & Walker’s unrivaled services.
RMF/SMF provides almost everything you could want to know about your z/OS system – if you can turn the raw data into information. Now when Watson & Walker performs a health assessment for their customers, they can spend their time applying their experience to the information provided by SMF, not in trying to get the information out of SMF.
IntelliMagic Vision for z/OS analyzes SMF and RMF data to detect issues before they impact production by using built-in artificial intelligence capabilities that apply built-in expert z/OS-specific knowledge to normalize the data, relate physical knowledge to logical workload data, and to rate metrics (good, warning, or bad) based on the context.
“That is why we teamed up with IntelliMagic,” says Watson. “Their interpretation and multi-dimensional view of RMF and SMF data makes it so much easier and quicker for us to focus in on what is important in the data.”
Cheryl Watson joined IntelliMagic and Edge Solutions and Consulting, another IntelliMagic partner, in discussing the common problems and solutions to outsourcing agreements for z/OS mainframe environments. You can watch the recording of that webinar here: Performance and Capacity Insights for your Outsourced z/OS Mainframe.
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