Are My Remote Clusters Receiving Replication?
Review these key reports when troubleshooting remote cluster issues or trying to determine if your remote clusters are receiving replication.
Analysis of CPU By Plan: CICS Transaction (110.1) and Db2 Accounting (101) Part 2
Integrated visibility between Db2 Accounting and CICS Transaction data can correlate CICS transaction IDs driving high CPU in Db2 with the CICS profile of the transaction.
Elapsed Time Profiles by Correlation ID: CICS Transaction (110.1) and Db2 Accounting (101) Part 1
This video shows how viewing CICS Call Attach work by Correlation ID enables both CICS and Db2 teams to view elapsed time profiles within Db2 corresponding to each CICS transaction ID.
Db2 GETPAGE Efficiency Integrating Dataset Performance (42.6) and Db2 IFCID 199 Data
Integrating Db2 IFCID 199 and SMF 42 data can be leveraged to create a view of overall Db2 GETPAGE efficiency along with several other key GETPAGE views and data.
Db2 Accounting: Isolating Change Drivers Case Study
This video illustrates how Db2 SMF data can be leveraged to identify drivers of an observed reduction in elapsed time. This example isolates the change by authorization ID, buffer pool, and page set.
Selected MQ Accounting Data SMF Metrics – Part 2
Examples of various SMF metrics captured in MQ Accounting data that provide insights into detailed MQ activity.
Selected MQ Accounting Data SMF Metrics – Part 1
Examples of the key SMF metrics captured in MQ Accounting data including buffer pools, Thread Elapsed Time, CPU, elapsed time per get, etc.
Viewing MQ Accounting Data by Connection Type
Examples of how MQ Accounting data is commonly viewed by the connection type of the MQ caller, and additional levels of detail that are available by connection type.
Viewing MQ Accounting Data by Queue Level
Examples of ways value can be derived from MQ Accounting data by analyzing views broken out by MQ queue name.
Overview of MQ Accounting Data
Examples of how various MQ Statistics and MQ Accounting metrics can be collected and organized in customizable dashboards.
Sample MQ Statistics and Accounting Dashboards
Examples of how various MQ Statistics and MQ Accounting metrics can be collected and organized in customizable dashboards.
Analyzing MQ Log Manager and Buffer Manager Metrics
Examples of how MQ Statistics data provided by the Log Manager and Buffer Manager components can be used to identify opportunities for improved performance and efficiency.