Why Am I Still Seeing zIIP Eligible Work?
zIIP-eligible CPU consumption that overflows onto general purpose CPs (GCPs) – known as “zIIP crossover” - is a key focal point for software cost savings. However, despite your meticulous efforts, it is possible that zIIP crossover work is still consuming GCP cycles unnecessarily.
Viewing Connections Between CICS Regions, Db2 Data Sharing Groups, and MQ Queue Managers
This blog emphasizes the importance of understanding connections in mainframe management, specifically focusing on CICS, Db2, and MQ.
Top 10 IntelliMagic Vision Features Released in 2023
With over 160 announced product updates, 2023 was a spectacular year of releases for users of IntelliMagic Vision for z/OS. In this blog we try to narrow it down to the 10 most popular, helpful, and groundbreaking.
Top ‘IntelliMagic zAcademy’ Webinars of 2023
View the top rated mainframe performance webinars of 2023 covering insights on the z16, overcoming skills gap challenges, understanding z/OS configuration, and more!
Understanding Your API Workloads Driving Your System Resource Utilization
In this blog we review the data available to understand your systems’ z/OS Connect API activity, to help you manage service levels and demand for system resources.
Mainframe Software Cost Savings Playbook
Learn how to effectively reduce mainframe costs and discover strategies for tracking IBM software licensing metrics to minimize expenses.
An Update on zEDC and the Nest Accelerator Unit (NXU)
Advancements similar to the NXU are likely to become more commonplace since raw processor speeds have plateaued. Specialized processing drives new metrics to manage an already complex system. What’s affected? How will you keep up?
Profiling zHyperLink Performance and Usage
In this blog, we demonstrate how to profile zHyperLink performance and usage by reviewing one mainframe site’s recent production implementation of zHyperLink for reads, for Db2.
What’s New with IBM DS8900F?
Release 9.1 for the DS8900F storage array contains numerous product improvements that should be interesting and useful to any shop that has DS8900F installed or is considering it.
Conserving MSUs – Déjà vu All Over Again
In the past, you probably only focused on MSU usage during your peak 4HRA. Now, thanks to IBM's Software Consumption, paying more attention to MSUs at non-peak times literally “pays” in terms of saving real money.
Tuning TCB Switches for CICS Cost Savings
CPU 'tuning' exercises often focus on unnecessary TCB switches. In this case, changes made that reduced TCB switch time saved a ton of CPU - up to 2,000 seconds.
Mainframe Cost Savings Part 3: Address Space Opportunities
This final blog in the mainframe cost reduction series will cover potential CPU reduction opportunities that produce benefits applicable to a specific address space or application.