This month we’re introducing updates to the Subsystem Topology Viewer, new Long-term MSU/MIPS Reporting, updates to ZPARM settings and Average Line Configurations, as well as updates to TCP/IP Communications reports.

Let’s dive right into these changes:

Subsystem Topology Reports

IntelliMagic Vision 2024.01 introduces major updates to the Subsystem Topology Viewer, offering enhanced insights into the interactions between CICS, Db2, and MQ.

With the inclusion of CICS Transaction IDs in reports, users can now identify the specific transactions linked to Db2 Data Sharing Groups and MQ queue managers. Drilldowns to CICS Regions are also available, enabling a comprehensive understanding of system dynamics. Whether troubleshooting issues with an MQ subsystem or exploring dependencies on Db2 Data Sharing Groups, the Subsystem Topology reports provide invaluable insights.

z/OS Subsystem Topology Viewer in IntelliMagic Vision

Long Term Reporting for MSU/MIPS Rates

Responding to customer requests, we have added long-term reporting for MSU (Million Service Units) or MIPS (Million Instructions Per Second) rates for service classes, service class periods, report classes, workloads, and every combination thereof. Users who have configured Applications based on Report Classes can also get the same visibility from the application perspective.

This enhancement empowers users to analyze CPU usage trends over time and make more informed decisions. The flexibility to view rates at different levels ensures a comprehensive perspective on system performance.

Long Term Reporting for MSUMIPS Rates


Captured General Processor CPU by Application Report Classes on z/OS

ZPARM Configurations for Db2

Managing Db2 configurations is made simpler with IntelliMagic Vision’s access to ZPARM settings. Users can easily navigate to ZPARM configurations from Db2 Data Sharing Groups, with focused reports on Buffer Manager Data, Plan Data, Lock Manager Stats, and Coupling Facility Structure.

The reports not only provide current settings but also offer change reports, aiding in tracking configuration modifications. Organized in logical reports, users can effortlessly access the information they need to manage Db2 effectively.

ZPARM Configurations For Db2 Data Sharing Groups


Interval Average Lines in Line Charts

IntelliMagic Vision 2024.01 introduces a change in our default settings based on user feedback. Now, new users will experience interval average lines turned off by default in line charts with multiple elements. This adjustment aligns with popular preferences, allowing users to choose when to display interval average lines, enhancing customization and user experience.

Interval Average Lines in Line Charts1

Interval Average Lines in Line Charts1

Interval Average Lines in Line Charts1

Interval Average Lines in Line Charts1


Enhancements in TCP/IP Communication Records

Validating security controls is made more robust with IntelliMagic Vision’s improvements in TCP/IP communication records. The SMF 119 subtype 12 records, widely used for security validation, are now complemented by an enhanced TCP Connection Termination report. This report showcases local and server IP addresses, server-side ports, and associated job names, facilitating easy identification of potentially risky port usage.

Enhancements in TCPIP Communication Records


Other Updates in 2024.1

To see the full list of releases and updates in IntelliMagic Vision 2024.1, please refer to the Release Notes.

If you have feedback or feature requests, reach out to your technical account owner or contact us here. You can also sign up for our newsletter to always stay up to date with the latest releases, tips, content, and events.

Stay tuned for more updates in the next release!

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