Morgan Oats -

Last week IntelliMagic sponsored our first IDUG Db2 User Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina, and had a great time at the show.

After releasing our support for Db2 for z/OS earlier this year, we decided to sponsor the North American IDUG conference to meet and talk with DBA’s and Db2 performance experts – most of whom had largely never heard of IntelliMagic while our focus was previously on z/OS storage and systems performance.

The experience was overwhelmingly positive due to the interactions we had at the conference, the organization of the event, and the excited conversations we had with different Db2 experts witnessing a modern approach to interacting with their Db2 data they had never seen before.

For those of you who made it out to Charlotte, hopefully you were able to attend either our VSP session or Jeff Berger’s technical session on Db2 Data Sharing, but if not, (and for those who were unable to attend) we have compiled our presentations for you to review at your convenience. See you at the next event!


Db2 Performance Analytics Based on SMF Data

This presentation covers how you can overcome being overwhelmed by the massive volume of data in Db2 SMF records. In this VSP session, Todd Havekost demonstrated via demo how you can derive great value from your Db2 SMF data through a modernized approach and showed how to leverage context-sensitive drilldowns to dynamically navigate through the data and raise the effectiveness of your analysis to an entirely new level.

Todd also covered how automated health assessments presented in easy-to-use dashboards can help you identify potential performance and availability issues before they impact production.

Watch our webinar: Managing Db2 and CICS Performance Based on SMF Data


Managing Db2 Data Sharing

This presentation is designed to help you to better understand how to manage Db2 Data Sharing environments. Jeff Berger covers some of the many potential performance problems of Db2 Data Sharing, how to monitor the performance, and how to avoid or solve problems. The presentation includes an overview of Group Buffer Pools and Locking.

Download this Presentation Slide Deck 

This article's author

Morgan Oats
Head of Marketing
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